support our work


Here are some of the ways you can support Flavours of Hope in equipping and empowering newcomer refugee women:



Your tax-deductible contributions resource our work in supporting and empowering refugee newcomer women through food, culture, and stories. Our donors are an invaluable part of the Flavours of Hope family: setting the table for women’s success, relationship-building, and leadership, and spreading the word to further expand our vibrant and enthusiastic community.

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We’re always looking for people to help us host intercultural food events and support our programs, especially in the areas of social media, marketing and promotion, mentorship, and language translation.

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Partner or collaborate with us

Collaboration is key to our work at Flavours of Hope, and we love hearing from local businesses, festivals, and other organizations about ways we can work together. Whether you want to boost our work, raise awareness, or support the food businesses of newcomer refugee women entrepreneurs, we’re always keen to hear what you have in mind. Even if it’s a seedling idea, don’t hesitate to reach out! View our current partners and collaborators here.